Wedding at Montignano Castle

I got a call from a future bride from Umbria called Marika on a Spring evening. She was looking for a good wedding photographer for her wedding at Montignano Castle. She wanted a photographer who can take spontaneous photos, without poses, and that can relive the most important YES of her life through wedding reportage. When I told her that I was free for her date she breathed a sigh of relief! Given the distance, we set up an appointment via Skype for the next day to talk about all the details.
Marika and Alessandro are a beautiful couple, very elegant and discreet, yet nice and down-to-earth. They also asked for a pre-wedding photography session in Florence (you can check the article Engagement in Florence on this page). When the wedding day arrived I left from Florence to photograph the wedding at Montignano Castle. The castle is situated in a charming place, immersed in the beautiful hills of Umbria. The scenery is breathtaking.
I already knew Beatrice, the wedding planner of the castle, and also her staff. They were all friendly, helpful and well organized (which is very important!). After an inspection for the ceremony and the couple photos I went to the bride. She was very tense and excited, but I immediately tried to loosen the tension with some talks. When I started my wedding reportage the light was perfect for my shooting style and, even though some tension was still in the air, the atmosphere was serene.
At the ceremony the groom was very excited. The bride walked the steps of the castle accompanied by her dad. The civil ceremony at Montignano Castle was full of emotions and tears. We had a little time for couple portraits, but the sunset and the view gifted us and the wedding photos turned out amazing. It was the day of the World Cup final, Italy lost to penalties … but the emotions that day they won over everything!
It has been a beautiful wedding at Montignano Castle. Special thanks to my friend and colleague Duccio for the collaboration.
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